My Greatest Moments of 2010

As we rapidly approach 2011, I would just like to note a few of my favorite and most memorable moments in 2010.  Quite a bit happened both big and small but it all has contributed to a great year.
I announced my pregnancy of my 3rd child Kennedy.  I was both nervous and excited but I took it all in stride.


My mother orchestrated the most fabulous baby shower I could ever want!  That lady is great when it comes to planning, and budgeting and just EVERYTHING really.  It turned out so adorable and I was so grateful for it all.  Plus, look at that cake... Come on now!

My third child Kennedy, was born in June!  It was a whirlwind event because it all happened so quickly.  But she brought the most happiness into all of our lives as a newborn usually does.  Though the sleepless nights at first may have been challenging on Steven and I, we worked as a team and 'somehow' got over that hump!

I resigned from my job :-(  Though it was a hard decision, it was made on the anticipation of moving as well as a few other factors.  I had to say bye to a few friends but I took so much with me (in experience, not actual items lol).

My love proposed!  This by far was the most shocking and exciting moment for me this year.  As we start the new year, wedding planning is definitely on the forefront.


The Candy Shop was opened!  And, though this is all very new I was excited to embark on this journey with you guys.  I hope you all stay around for the experience and to enjoy it with me. 

Happy New Year's dolls!
