1. Herbal Essences Naked Cleansing Conditioner: I have been in love with this cleansing product for quite some time now, over half the year at least. In fact, I have done a video review on YouTube which can be seen here. This product applies to my hair like a creamy conditioner but is different from other cleansing creams that I have tried because it doesn't leave a weird residue. Rather, it actually leaves my hair feeling very clean and soft! I have gained some length since I first started using and my hair still needs another conditioner to detangle at this point but when I was in true TWA status, this baby detangled my hair on its own. IT'S THAT GOOD!
2. Pantene Pro-V Curl 2-Minute Conditioning Masque: This is now my second step to my wash day regimen right after I cleanse. This is what I consider my detangling phase and this is the perfect product for such. It will melt your strands to a silky soft texture making it so easy to detangle. Some days I use my fingers only while on other days my Denman brush is needed to maintain my sanity. It gets like that sometimes... My Curlfriends know the feeling! I apply this conditioner in 3 sections (both front sides and the back) then leave on my hair for about 2 minutes while I am in the shower. Once it has had the time to work it's magic I get to work on a super easy detangling session. On days I am truly in a rush I can end my wash day here but I really prefer not to. I go an extra step with yet another conditioner after I rinse the Pantene masque out with warm water.
3. Shea Moisture Superfruit Complex 10-in-1 Renewal System: The very last step in my Wash Day affair is this little gem. I am so surprised I love this product so much as it is the very first product from Shea Moisture that has worked well with my strands! And yes, I have just about tried everything from the other lines. Not only does it have a great amount of sleep for a Masque/Deep Conditioner but it saturates and strengthens each of every strand of hair. Once applied, I leave this on my hair anywhere from 30 minutes to 6 hours! LOL. It all depends on what I am doing for the rest of the day! But after I rinse the product from my hair with cold water it feels so soft and moisturized. I can feel a slight amount of oil left behind which doesn't bother me one bit.
So, that's it for my updated Wash Day regimen! There's not much to it and honestly, I prefer to keep it that way. With 3 kids and Husband and (usually) a Full Time job, I frankly just don't have time to spend too much time on it. One item I wish to add in the future is possibly the Huetiful hair steamer. Although, this would add another step, it would cut back on the amount of time I needed to leave my conditioner on for as well as providing better effectiveness of my conditioners. So, it's something I am considering but for right now this unemployed momma will be sticking to what's here in this post!
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